Sierra Leone Police Officer Afired Musa Kanu Neglected After Injury, Pleads for Medical Help

Sierra Leone Police Officer Afired Musa Kanu Neglected After Injury, Pleads for Medical Help

Injured Sierra Leone Police Officer Musa Kanu Cries for Help After Being Neglected by His Institution

PC Afired Musa Kanu, an active officer in the Sierra Leone Police Force, has come forward with a desperate plea for help after sustaining serious injuries while on duty. 

Despite following the correct procedures and reporting his injuries to his supervisors at the Police Headquarters in Freetown, Kanu’s condition remains untreated due to bureaucratic delays and inaction from his institution.

Injuries Reported, But No Action Take

After reporting his injuries to his superiors, Kanu was referred to the Ministry of Health, which assessed the severity of his condition and sent him to a specialist for evaluation. 

The specialist concluded that his injuries were beyond the capabilities of local healthcare facilities and recommended that Kanu be flown abroad for advanced medical treatment. 

The Ministry of Health facilitated all necessary documentation, approving Kanu for overseas treatment in India. However, the responsibility for funding and logistics was passed to the Sierra Leone Police, where the case has since stalled.

Officer Continues to Suffer in Silence

Months have passed, and Kanu remains in Sierra Leone, his condition worsening while the Sierra Leone Police fail to act on his case. 

Despite multiple follow-ups and inquiries, the police have not responded to his urgent need for medical intervention. Kanu’s pain has intensified, making it nearly impossible for him to continue performing his duties as a police officer.

Reaching Out for Public Support

Frustrated by the lack of response from his institution, PC Afired Musa Kanu has turned to the media for help. In a public interview, Kanu shared his medical documents and photographs to highlight the seriousness of his situation and to appeal for assistance. 

Despite numerous efforts to contact the police authorities for an update, all attempts have been unsuccessful, leaving Kanu with little choice but to seek public attention.

A Call for Immediate Intervention

Kanu’s case highlights the broader issue of neglect faced by injured public servants in Sierra Leone, particularly when it comes to accessing life-saving medical care. 

This situation demands immediate attention from the Sierra Leone Police and relevant authorities to ensure that Kanu receives the necessary treatment to recover and continue serving his country.

As his condition deteriorates, PC Afired Musa Kanu’s plea for help grows more urgent. This public appeal is a call for action, not only for Kanu but also for other officers who may be suffering in similar situations.

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