Dr. Samura Kamara Calls for Renewed Commitment to Democracy and Justice in Sierra Leone

On Sunday, June 23, 2024, Dr. Samura Kamara, the former presidential candidate of 2023 and leader of the All People’s Congress (APC) in Sierra Leone, delivered a powerful address to the nation via Twitter. 

His message, filled with hope and spiritual resolve, emphasized the necessity for a renewed commitment to democratic principles and justice in Sierra Leone.

Kamara’s address came as the nation awaited the outcomes of the Tripartite Committee’s work on electoral reforms. He began his message with a heartfelt salutation to his fellow citizens: “My fellow citizens of our beloved Mama Salone, a New Dawn for Sierra Leone as we Reclaim Democracy.” His tone was both reflective and forward-looking, urging unity and faith as the country navigates its path toward electoral justice. 

He invoked a biblical passage from Proverbs 3:5–6: “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight,” encouraging the nation to find strength in faith and divine guidance.

Reflecting on the previous year’s elections, Kamara remarked, “We remind ourselves that on that fateful day, June 24, 2023, our democracy stumbled. The very pillars that should uphold our nation transparency, accountability, and fairness were shaken.” 

He described the impact of the flawed electoral process, noting how it left “scars on our collective conscience.” However, his message was not one of despair but of resilience and renewal. “Today, as the sun rises over our resilient land, we must stand united, determined to rewrite our story.”

Kamara emphasized that true strength and justice do not come from flawed systems but from unwavering faith in a higher power. He envisioned a “Sierra Leone reborn a nation where justice will flow like the mighty Rokel River, cleansing the wounds of the present and past election malpractices.” This vision, he asserted, is supported by development agencies and regional allies, all committed to achieving unprecedented electoral justice.

In his address, Kamara passionately called for the safeguarding of the electoral process, stating, “No longer shall shadows obscure the ballot boxes; every vote shall be a beacon of hope. The majority’s will, once trampled, shall rise like the resilient mangroves along our coastline.” 

He framed the submission to God as a submission to a vision greater than oneself, a vision encompassing the aspirations of the youth, women, the elderly, the unemployed, and the physically challenged all of whom have been victims of electoral injustice.

“Our youth, the heartbeat of our nation; our women, the mothers of our nation; and all the old, the unemployed, the physically challenged, and all the victims of electoral injustice, submit their dreams, their aspirations, and their hunger for change. They demand a seat at the table a say in their governance. Their voices once drowned out, must be made to crescendo into a symphony of possibility and moral justice.”

Kamara also addressed the deep-seated issues of economic, political, and social injustices, promising that “the winding roads of blatant economic, political, and social injustices, the treacherous bends of inequality, intolerance, exclusivity, and nepotism they shall be straightened; not by mere decree, but by our collective resolve.”

He called on all political leaders and citizens to lay the foundation for future generations, building a legacy of dignity and opportunity. “For our ancestors, who labored under the scorching sun, we must build a legacy of dignity; for our youth, who carry the torch forward, we must pave a road where hard work pays not just in sweat but in opportunity; for our women, we must show equality; and for our great-grandchildren, whose names we may never know, we must plant seeds of creativity.”

Concluding his address, Kamara urged the nation to rise and embrace the future with hope and determination. “Sierra Leone, rise! Let all future ballot boxes overflow with hope. Let electoral justice and accountability flow like the Bintumani Falls. Let our democracy be a symphony of voices, each note a promise fulfilled. ‘In all your ways, submit to him.’ Let us submit to justice. Let us submit to progress. Submit to the dream of a Sierra Leone reborn.”

Dr. Kamara’s address resonates as a call to action, urging Sierra Leoneans to unite in their quest for a just and democratic society, reaffirming their faith and commitment to a better future. His emphasis on unity, faith, and collective resolve highlights the path forward as Sierra Leone seeks to strengthen its democratic institutions and ensure justice for all its citizens.


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