Controversial Electoral Regulations: APC Parliamentarians Fail to Stop Proportional Representation System

In a pivotal session on Wednesday, November 23, 2022, the Sierra Leonean Parliament witnessed a significant clash as two crucial Electoral Regulations for the upcoming multitiered elections were finally presented. 

SL Parliarment

Umaru Napoleon Koroma, the Deputy Attorney General and Minister of Justice, introduced The Public Elections (District Block Proportional Representation System) Regulations 2022 and The Public Elections (Local Councils Proportional Representation System) Regulations for 2022.

The proposed shift to a Proportional Representation (PR) system has been a contentious topic, leading to a heated debate within the political landscape. Despite strong opposition from the All People's Congress (APC) Members of Parliament, the Regulations have moved forward, marking a potential transformation in Sierra Leone's electoral framework.

The Public Elections (District Block Proportional Representation System) Regulations 2022 and The Public Elections (Local Councils Proportional Representation System) Regulations for 2022 have been laid before Parliament, initiating a process that will see them become part of Sierra Leone's laws after 21 days, unless revoked by a two-thirds majority in Parliament.

Hon. Musa Fofana of C4C had previously initiated a motion to discuss these regulations, setting the stage for a protracted and contentious parliamentary session. The Regulations, once in effect, would introduce a fundamental change in the electoral system, replacing the traditional first-past-the-post model with a more inclusive Proportional Representation system.

However, the journey of these Regulations through Parliament was marred by delays caused by the APC Members of Parliament vehemently opposing the proposed changes. The political standoff reached a climax on November 23, 2022, as disruptions within the parliamentary well led to a temporary halt in proceedings.

To restore order, the police collaborated with the Speaker of the House, Hon. Dr. Abass Chernor Bundu, ensuring that parliamentary business could proceed without further interruption. The Speaker, visibly dismayed by the unruly behavior of several members, pledged to mete out appropriate legal consequences to those involved in the brawl.

Addressing the tumultuous session, the Speaker stated, "What I witnessed yesterday was an assault to the dignity of this House, an affront to my authority as Speaker, and it will no longer be permitted, enough is enough. I have exercised tolerance beyond endurance."

The repercussions of this parliamentary clash are expected to unfold, with legal consequences awaiting those found responsible for the disruption. The Speaker's commitment to upholding the dignity and authority of the House underscores the gravity of the situation.

As Sierra Leone grapples with the impending shift to a Proportional Representation system, the political landscape remains charged with differing perspectives and deep-seated divisions. The APC's opposition to the Electoral Regulations highlights the broader challenges associated with such fundamental changes, particularly in the lead-up to crucial elections.

The debate over the timing and implications of this legislative shift will likely persist, shaping the narrative as the nation approaches the anticipated multitiered elections. The dynamics between political parties and their adaptation to the new electoral framework will be closely monitored, reflecting the evolving political landscape in Sierra Leone.

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